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Showing Collections: 1051 - 1060 of 1297

Rona Adshead research notes

Identifier: CCL Archive 0900
Scope and Contents

Research notes by Rona Adshead for Some of my yesterdays: the autobiography of Marion Shepherd. Includes newspaper clippings as well as photocopies of articles and letters.

Also includes notes on the life of Oscar Garden, aviator and William (Ready Money) Robinson, pastoralist and owner of Cheviot Hills.

Dates: 1987-1990

Rosalie Archer papers

Identifier: CAG Archive 91
Content Description

Printed matter and photographs assembled, by Rosalie Archer, the wife of Russell Clark (1905-1966).

Dates: 1960-1966

Rose Zeller papers

Identifier: CAG Archive 10
Content Description

Papers, sketches and paintings, 1904-1926.

Dates: 1904-1926

Rosemary Johnson papers

Identifier: CAG Archive 26
Content Description

Correspondence and photographs, 1965-1982.

Dates: 1965-01-01 - 1982-12-31

Rosemary Perry papers

Identifier: CAG Archive 79
Content Description

Miscellaneous papers

Dates: 1950-2018

Rossiter family history papers

Identifier: CCL Archive 0768
Scope and Contents

Photocopied typescript and manuscript titled Our Rossiter family history by Raymond E. Rossiter. Also includes some newspaper clippings.

Dates: 1985

Roy Gipson Millen World War I diary

Identifier: CCL Archive 0417
Scope and Contents

Photocopied typescript of Roy Gipson Millen's World War I diary. Includes copies of maps and text from a published war history (unidentified) which covers the same place and time as Roy Millen's diary.

Includes a typescript Record of service in Bank of New Zealand, Roy Gipson Millen, 1906-1950.

Dates: 1917

Royal Christchurch Musical Society records

Identifier: CCL Archive 0220
Scope and Contents

The records of the Royal Christchurch Musical Society includes a chronological list of concert reviews and of performances and works performed by Barrie Greenwood. Also includes a typescript index compiled from The Press and The Lyttelton times, to 1960, with annotations by R.C. Lamb.

Dates: 1860-1960

Royal Insurance (U.K.). Melbourne Branch to Christchurch Branch Records

Identifier: CCL Archive 0076
Scope and Contents

Branch circulars 1-300 to the Christchurch Branch from the Royal Insurance (U.K.). Melbourne Branch.

Dates: 1914-1920

Royal New Zealand Air Force Association Christchurch branch records

Identifier: CCL Archive 0924
Scope and Contents

The records of the Royal New Zealand Air Force Association Christchurch branch includes financial records, cashbooks, ledgers, minutes, annual reports, correspondence and inwards letters, 29 November 1945-26 July 2005.

Dates: 1945-2005

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Christchurch City Libraries Archives Collection 1052
Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū Archive 133
Christchurch City Council Archive Collection 112
English 1295
Maori 6
French 4
German 2
Italian 1
∨ more
Japanese 1
Latin 1
+ ∧ less
Christchurch City Council (November 1862-Present) 59
Christchurch City Council. City Engineer's Department (1923-1982) 13
Christchurch City Council. City Works and Planning Department (1982-1989) 10
Christchurch Drainage Board (1876-1989) 9
Waimairi County Council (1909-1982) 8
∨ more
Sutton, William Alexander 7
Christchurch City Council. Municipal Electricity Department. (1920-1989) 6
Waimairi District Council (1982-1989) 6
Banks Peninsula District Council (1989-2006) 5
Burton Brothers 4
Christchurch City Council. Department of City Administration (1973-1989) 4
Christchurch City Council. Development Group. Communications and Promotions Unit (1994-1996) 4
Christchurch City Council. Metropolitan Services. Leisure and Neighbourhoods Support Unit (1992-1994) 4
Christchurch City Council. Town Clerk's Office (1862-1989) 4
Christchurch Domain Board (1864-1946) 4
Christchurch Press Company 4
Gazzard, Nola 4
Greenaway, Richard 4
Lamb, Robert Cameron 4
Loach, Cyril 4
Riccarton Borough Council (1913-1989) 4
Southpower (1989-1998) 4
Wairewa County Council (1910-1989) 4
Ashworth, James 3
Canterbury Public Library 3
Central Canterbury Electric Power Board (1963-1989) 3
Christchurch City Council. Mayor's Office (1924-Present) 3
Christchurch City Council. Policy Group. Communications and Promotions Unit (1996-2004) 3
Christchurch City Council. Public Affairs Group. Marketing Unit (2004-2016) 3
Christchurch Transport Board (1954-1991) 3
E. Wheeler & Son 3
Ell, Henry George (1862-1934) 3
Hall, John, Sir 3
Heathcote Road Board (1864-1911) 3
Lyttelton Borough Council (1868-1989) 3
New Brighton Borough Council (1897-1941) 3
North Canterbury Acclimatisation Society 3
O'Regan, Pauline, Sister 3
Sumner Borough Council (1891-1945) 3
Sydenham Borough Council (1887-1903) 3
Townend, Annie Quayle 3
Akaroa County Council (1877-1989) 2
Amodeo, Colin 2
Archives and Records Association of New Zealand Te Huinga Mahara 2
Beattie, Herries 2
Bishop, Rebecca Sarah 2
Burke, William Ellison Messervy 2
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (N.Z.) 2
Canterbury Association (London, England) 2
Canterbury Burns Club 2
Cashmere Domain Board (1926-1989) 2
Chilton, Charles, Dr. 2
Christchurch Amateur Boxing Club 2
Christchurch City Council. City Treasury (1922-1989) 2
Christchurch City Council. Development Group. Environmental Health Unit (1989-1992) 2
Christchurch City Council. Development Group. Recreation and Promotions Unit (1989-1992) 2
Christchurch City Council. Electricity Department (1903-1920) 2
Christchurch City Council. Parks and Recreation Department (1977-1989) 2
Christchurch City Council. Reserves Department (1975-1977) 2
Christchurch City Council. Sanitary Inspector's Department (1922/23-1938) 2
Christchurch City Council. Technical Services Group (1989-1996) 2
Christchurch Jaycee 2
Christchurch Mechanics' Institute 2
Christchurch Tramway Board (1902-1954) 2
Cressey, Sarah Ann 2
Dawber, Alan Royden 2
Dobson, Arthur Dudley 2
Durey, John 2
F. Bradley & Co. 2
Fendalton Domain Board (1933-1989) 2
Florance, Augustus, II 2
Green & Hahn 2
Heathcote County Council (1911-1989) 2
Hempelman, George 2
Hughes, Hywel Wynn 2
Innes, Adela 2
J. Ballantyne & Co. Ltd 2
Jollie, Edward 2
Leaver, Ernest Alexander Moore 2
Lineham, Jenny 2
Little, James 2
Macfarlane, John 2
Marsden, Samuel 2
McKeague, Victor Blackmore 2
Moore, George Henry 2
National Peace Council of New Zealand 2
Neville, Edna 2
New Zealand Army 2
New Zealand Federation of Women's Institutes. 2
Ogilvie, Gordon 2
Prescott, Elizabeth 2
Reed, Alfred Hamish 2
Riccarton High School 2
Richardson, John 2
Seager, Edward William 2
Seager, Esther 2
Seager, Madeleine Elizabeth 2
Sherlock, Joshua Henry 2
Simpson, H.W. 2
Society of Canterbury Colonists 2
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